The Spirit world is all around us, we happen to be embodied on one of the most energetically dense planes of reality on Earth. The Spirit World has various names such as the Astral Plane, The Ether, The Other-side and ext. It is the finer more intricate layer of reality with multiple dimensions within it all vibrating at different levels. This is what encompasses the entire cosmos. Many books and stories speak of this world, and many people try a variety of means to get in touch with these worlds and the spirits that inhabit the Astral Plane, mainly out of curiosity or a yearning to obtain sacred information to share with others. Meditation methods, Psychics, Mediums, Automatic Writing, Astral Projection and the popular use of Psychedelic drugs.
Getting in touch with these realities on a visually perceptive level through which ever means can be tremendously inspiring, reviving and enchanting to the fullest sense of the word. It can provoke a in depth feeling of kinship, home, and inner longing..
One of the things i'd like to focus on is topic of dis associative practices to achieve perception of these realities. It has been proven by many that Magic Mushrooms for example can cure cases of anxiety and depression. When used only once or twice in the right setting can be a significant spiritual catalyst in improving our awareness, sense of self, and the world. But there is the common issue psychedelic abuse and dangers with any form of dis-associative spiritual practice.
Why Psychedelic Drugs aren't reccomended and psychic attacks
written by a close friend...
"Psychedelic substances such as Magic Mushrooms, LSD, Cannabis, Mescaline and DMT are extremely powerful. Modern Civilization today lacks the Shamans and experts who can administer these to the population in the right manner. Magic Mushrooms and Mescaline containing cacti can be a major catalyst in spiritual discovery if used a very limited amount of times during ones lifespan and in the right situation under the guidance of a true Shaman. But when easily consumed in excess quantities they can distort our chakras and make holes in our energetic field (Aura) which can lead to Psychic Attacks which are the invasion of negative entities into your being because our defenses are lowered while under the influence. This can be relatively mild to seriously life threatening depending on the specific case. Psychedelics such as LSD should especially be avoided as-well as smoking DMT.
I am speaking as a survivor of a serious psychic attack that nearly costed me my life.. That occurred after having personally abused LSD, DMT Mushrooms and Marijuana during a two year period. More on this topic can be researched online or energetic clearings can be done at with Mary Kurus who is specialized in doing clearings and healing on ones Aura." After the Clearing I had, I engaged myself in total sobriety and am now doing Bikram Hot Yoga everyday which I find more powerful than any of these substances combined with proper meditation and spiritual will power. I found that my natural connection with Nature and the Elementals have improved significantly since I quit all intoxicating susbtances.. It all comes from within... Don't be fooled..
Many lightworkers who get caught up on the wrong path of drug use can become subject to lesser or more serious forms of negative attacks, since those energies only wish to see the fall of such beautiful people. Stay Healthy, fit and sober.. Try some Yoga and explore the paths that don't involved damaging your Aura. There is a real world good versus evil going on and its very real.. Psychedelic drugs are way to offer people the illusion of possibly enlighenment when in reality it is a trap in one way or another. This does not mean that a couple trips with these things are dangerous, they can be rather beneficial but it is easily overdone by the majority that do so...
Few souls would rarely find themselves on the front lines of a confrontation that I had been through. A dangerous journey that I landed myself on when I least expected it. A journey to the far reaches of the mind and to learn the meaning of good and evil.. Few people don't understand or acknowledge that Psychic Attacks can be one of the most tremendously hardest conflicts one could experience, and I must add that veterans of such an experience deserve a great deal of respect. There are many degrees of psychic attack ranging from fairly mild to incredible severe or even in worst case posession inflicted by an outside entity.
this story it may add a greater deal of understanding for people out there dealing with similair experiences or who simply wish to educate themselves about this strange paranormal phenomenon that is all too often shrugged off as works of fiction or something mentally ill in the person experiencing it..
The experience that I had dealt with had shoke me to the very foundations of what I stand for and brought me down to the very innermost core of my psyche or otherwise "Soul". It had reached a point where I couldn't tell if I was dreaming and if I was awake. I must say that I had brought the experience onto myself through repeated use of Hallucigeonic drugs, it was my fascinating to explore the depths of the Spirit World and that of the Elemental World that had led me there, it started with Cannabis and Magic Mushrooms, before I knew it I was down a two year journey that ended with a very real, even Mythological fight to survive. There are many skeptics, even spiritual people that will shrug this kind of phenomenal off as "in the mind or shrug it off as something superficial. It is not comfortable for me to speak of this experience that had led me to the brink of death, but I feel it is my duty as a fellow Brother of creation to share my story and insights so that others do not have to experience something similar to what I barely survived. my head was too clouded to recognize that before this experience woke me up.. I really hope that there can be further education about the Spirit World, and taking care of our Aura/Energetic Bodies. It is extremely important
I would like to hear more - have been attacked now 4 or 5 times, everytime because i let my guard down and abuse the substance thinking it will open my conciouss to sound, lights, and positive energy with good people but it always ends up becoming hell where the entities want to trap me, keep me in this negative bive world, and all eyes are on me, all voices are talking about me and my heart feels like jumping out of my chest... Usually the only way i bring it back is by getting outside, but even then it's not all the way back to normal for a few days and then i almost forget what sparked the journey, but i do remember that it always turns bad.